Content-Security-Policy Compatibility

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Content-Security-Policy is the name of a HTTP response header that modern browsers use to enhance the security of the document (or web page). The Content-Security-Policy header allows you to restrict how resources such as JavaScript, CSS, or pretty much anything that the browser loads.

Using Content-Security-Policy (CSP), injection attacks like cross-site scripting can be prevented.

Unfortunately, as of Jenkins 2.360, the Jenkins classic UI is not yet compatible with the CSP directives that would allow preventing such injection attacks.

This guide documents how to write UI code in a manner that is expected to be compatible with future use of CSP directives on the Jenkins UI.


Inline JavaScript blocks

Do not use inline JavaScript (JS) in the Jenkins GUI, i.e., JS embedded in HTML output.

This is typically done with <script> tags, like so:

<script type="text/javascript">
alert("Hello, world!");

The guidelines in the documentation on XSS prevention can be useful to pass arguments to JavaScript, or otherwise control its behavior dynamically.

You can generally use Stapler adjuncts to load files related to UI views and ensure they are loaded only once.

An example of this is jenkinsci/jenkins#6849.

Inline event handlers

Event handlers like onclick or onblur should be defined in separate files.

For this to work, the element that would have had the inline event handler attribute(s) needs a class or ID by which it can be looked up from JS.

Depending on how that element is added to the UI, you’d use one of the following methods to add event handlers:

You can use document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', …) for one or more elements that are present on the page from the moment it is loaded. Look up the elements by their ID or class or similar characteristics, then call #addEventListener on them. Be mindful of Jenkins’s extensibility, so consider including plugin names in element class names or IDs to prevent unintentional conflicts with other plugins.

Use Behaviour#specify to add event handlers to elements that may be dynamically added to the page, for example as part of AJAX responses. One common instance of this is in configuration forms: renderOnDemand is used by common form elements like hetero-list to load parts of the page only as the form is being changed. The code that adds content from AJAX responses dynamically to the page needs to call Behaviour#applySubtree on the newly added content.

Examples of this are: jenkinsci/jenkins#5514

Legacy JavaScript checkUrl validation

Do not use "legacy" mode form validation, which supports inline JS with manually specified checkUrl parameters. It looks like the following:

<f:textbox checkUrl="'${rootURL}/${h.jsStringEscape(it.url)}checkText?value='+encodeURIComponent(this.value)+'"  />

This combines inline JS and building parts of the string using JEXL expressions in Jelly, with different ways to escape different parts of the content to prevent injection vulnerabilities.

Instead, use the modern checkUrl mode, which as of Jenkins 2.360 requires the checkDependsOn attribute to be set (but it can be an empty string). This mode will automatically add the current form elements value as the query parameter called value, so the above examples can be simplified to the following:

<f:textbox checkUrl="${rootURL}/${it.url}checkText" checkDependsOn=""  />

To pass additional values, specify the respective form field names as part of the checkDependsOn string.

If you need to pass parameters that are not represented as form fields, the following options exist as of Jenkins 2.360:

  • Define a new form validation endpoint. This can be a viable option when it’s a boolean value (2 endpoints instead of one).

  • Define a hidden form field (wrap it in f:invisibleEntry) with the expected name and value and specify it in checkDependsOn. Make sure to ignore it otherwise. See jenkinsci/jenkins#6859 for an example.

eval calls

eval should not be used to interpret a string as JS code.

Depending on your use case, different solutions are possible.

To parse JSON, use JSON.parse instead. See jenkinsci/jenkins#6868 for an example.

To invoke a callback, have the caller define a global function and pass its name as an argument. Then your code can invoke the callback like this:

/* someone else provides this */
let callbackName = 'foo';
/* invoke it with arguments */


To test your code, you can use Content Security Policy Plugin. It implements CSP directives for the classic Jenkins UI.