We announced in January that Jenkins would be upgrading its Java runtime dependency to Java 8 this year. After a sizable amount of preparation, this week’s release of Jenkins 2.54 is the first weekly release to require a Java 8 runtime. For users of the weekly release, this means that Jenkins 2.54 must have a Java 8 runtime installed on the system in order to run. Those using the jenkinsci/jenkins:latest Docker container won’t...
In the next few months, Jenkins will require Java 8 as its runtime. Back in last November, we discussed interesting statistics showing that Jenkins was now running Java 8 on a majority of its running instances. Timeline Here is how we plan to roll that baseline upgrade in the next few months. Now: Announce the intention publicly. April, 2017: Drop support for Java 7 in Jenkins weekly. With the current rhythm, that means...
The largest global gathering of DevOps thought leaders, practitioners, and contributors, and all those dedicated to shaping the future of modern software delivery.
The Jenkins Contributor Summit brings together current and future contributors to the Jenkins project. At this event we will talk about the current state of the project and its future evolution.