Jenkins GSoC

On behalf of the Jenkins GSoC team and mentors, We would like to welcome Dheeraj Singh Jodha, Yiming Gong, Hrushikesh Rao, and Vihaan Thora. They will be working on Google Summer of Code projects in the Jenkins organization, and they have already done some contributions.

This year we have the following projects:

During the next weeks project teams will be reaching out to potential stakeholders in order to establish connections and to get comments regarding their project designs. If you are interested in the projects, please join discussions in the Developer mailing lists and project meetings once they get scheduled. Please also expect expect more detailed blogposts about the projects soon.

If you are interested to know more about GSoC in Jenkins, you can find information, timeline and communication channels here.

About the Authors
Alyssa Tong

Member of the Jenkins Advocacy and Outreach SIG. Alyssa drives and manages Jenkins participation in community events and conferences like FOSDEM, SCaLE, cdCON, and KubeCon. She is also responsible for Marketing & Community Programs at CloudBees, Inc.

Jean-Marc Meessen

A perpetual and enthusiastic learner, admirative of all the cool stuff out there. Loves to share his discoveries and passions.